Infidelity and Betrayal Trauma Therapy

Heal from the past and move towards the future.

Are You And Your Partner Wondering How To Recover From An Affair?

 Betrayal looks and feels different for everyone experiencing it. Perhaps you’re a betrayed partner who has recently become aware of your significant other’s emotional infidelity, porn use, or full-blown affair. You are peppering your partner with questions trying to make sense of what happened and feeling anxious, overwhelmed or depressed in response. 

Yet, regardless of how much information they offer, you wonder if you will ever be able to trust your partner again. Their responses will never feel fully satisfying.

You may be the partner who cheated, trying to put the affair behind you. You might feel humiliated and ashamed of your behaviors. Or ashamed of everything you did in the past and hoping that you both can move on

How I can help

  • Individual Therapy

    The shame of betraying your partner or trying to make sense of why it happened is feeling overwhelming. Let’s find out what’s happening in your life to cause an affair. Or explore, the trauma of finding out about it. Together we can make sense of something that feels unexplainable.

  • Couples Therapy

    Recovery from infidelity can take many different paths. Together we will figure out how to recover from from it, how to reconnect or how to break up.

  • Women's Betrayal Trauma Group

    Going through recovery from infidelity is an isolating time. There is a fear of sharing with family or friends, and judgement that might come with it. Keeping this a secret separates you from your support system. This group is an opportunity to receive support and know you're not alone in moving through this traumatic experience.

Women’s Betrayal Trauma Group

I understand the depth of pain and loss that come through betrayal and know how to help clients navigate the journey every step of the way; from discovery and crisis to grieving and healing. This group will help you connect with others, who are also processing a betrayal. Frequently, spouses will not disclose the trauma to friends and families for fear of judgement, advice, or thinking poorly about their relationship. You don’t need to navigate this alone.

You’re not crazy, You’re not broken and You can heal.

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Feel less alone in an isolating time

You don’t need to do this by yourself