Women’s Betrayal Trauma Support Group

Infidelity rocks the foundation of how you view yourself and others. Being betrayed by your significant other breaks your trust, makes you question your self-worth, and causes you to feel deserted by the one you love.

Partner Beytrayal Trauma

Betrayal trauma is defined as the psychological effect of being betrayed by another person in your life. It usually involves some kind of deception or deceit and leads to negative emotions like anger, hurt, embarrassment, humiliation, sadness, and even self-hate.

For women, partner betrayal can be particularly traumatic. Partner Betrayal Trauma may occur with emotional and sexual affairs, pornography, cybersex, hookups, flirting, sexting, frequenting strip clubs, soliciting prostitutes, or involvement in an undisclosed relationship by a significant other.

Trauma reactions to infidelity include patterns of recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive thoughts and memories, self-deprecating thoughts, hyper vigilance, mood dysregulation, and use of avoidance to cope.  Due to the nature of this betrayal it can be a very isolating time.  

Group Details

This group will increase hope, overcome shame, strengthen sense of self and reduce emotional isolation. Participants reconnect to their sense of resiliency, and self-trust. 

  • Increase connection to others

  • Help you understand how Betrayal Trauma affects you physically, emotionally, and mentally

  • Empowers you to face your future with confidence and hope

  • Learn to trust your intuition

  • Create and maintain healthy boundaries

  • Use your voice to speak out about your needs and wants